Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life-wide Learning for L&D professionals

Workplace Learning and Performance professionals (WLP) exist for building capabilities of enterprises and individuals. But who builds theirs?
The question might sound too simplistic to give a second thought but as a WLP professional what are your current intervention and how is that built into your long term growth plan? What are the dynamics in your organization when it comes to individual learning? Is the workplace conducive and does it create an environment to promote individual learning? All these questions and many more such should cross your mind every morning you get up from the bed. Our own credibility largely remains with how we learn and apply newer insights back to workplace. Yet, many professionals either have second-rated initiatives or efforts directed to this end or mired in daily functional issues to such an extent that they hardly care a damn about it. 
I am sure you wouldn't like to be one!
Are you in command of your own self-development? Is your organization providing enough stimulus and focus to develop you?
If yes, then go ahead and face the world with all courage and confidence. If something is amiss then buckle up and make it the priority. The world will distinguish and reward those WLP professionals who are the leading edge of their own learning and put this into their genetic built.
Customize your learning plan aligned to your goals and stick to that. Make yourself future-ready. Learning and behavior change will help you command a premium over others.
Life-wide learning is here to stay.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bias for talent management in an organization

Organizations of today have two queens to deal with- Customers and the Employees. We all knew the old saying 'Customer is right!', what about the employees?
Unlike in the past, talent (read, employees) is in command of affairs and she takes it to wherever deemed fit. Hence, pro-actively engaging your in-house talent is the real challenge for many business leaders and specifically the HR function. The average shelf-life of talent in organizations are turning out to be 2-3 years. No wonder then that the wisdom shared by Vinit Nayar, CEO of HCL, through his book "Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down" is finding echo in the corporate corridors so profoundly.
Like a CFO who strategically manages and engages corporate wealth in value creation for its stakeholders (hence called a strategic business partner) the HR and business leads are expected to manage its human capital through various measures- career pathways, succession planning, managing bench-strength, work-groups focused on special projects among many others.
Employee retention and loyalty then becomes a function of pro-active employee engagement, meeting individual career aspirations and aligning the same towards organizational goals.
Transparency and unbiased approach towards employee engagement comes as defaults in the entire game-plan in successful management of organizational human capital.
If you are biased, talent has the uncanny habit of being biased in selection for the next workplace.
HR and business leaders listening?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Language of Performance - NLP

I am in the middle of a certification program in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and to say the least, I am enjoying every bit of it. As it might be known to many people, NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming- an art and science of behavioral awareness and modeling based on neurological processes and use of language. 
I will not deal with the intricacies of NLP here, rather this post is about how NLP and its techniques form  basis of every human interaction and excellence. NLP is modeling excellence in every field of life. So basic are its application that it should be made a kind of fundamental curricula in academics and social milieu. Let's consider the following areas that NLP could positively impact -

  • Personal life: NLP can most certainly help lead a fuller and richer life if made a conscious choice. It's about creating choices in life, building rapport with people and being more empathetic to others naturally. It's a tool that helps one know the self first and through the process be aware of others' dynamics. It makes one congruent to self and in-sync with others. For example, in NLP there is this belief that we can't not communicate....we always communicate with others, we can not stop communicating even if we aren't talking. Body language takes over- smile, grin, frown all give away important clues about oneself. Hence, appropriate use of body languages and cues (How) are as important if not more than the words we choose(What). Imagine, what does it mean to learn or be sensitized about these from growing years- A generation which is more socially skilled and resourceful.
  • Professional life: Professional life demands certain base skills of inter-personal relationship that are either extension of personal/ social skills or acquired through training or simply being an organizational-creature. NLP does provide tips and techniques to cope up with these demeanors and model excellence. NLP could help ground professional into him/herself and realize the potential without being a part of the corporate rat-race. A self-aware and sensitive professional makes for a better workplace. For example, the concept- The Map is not the Territory signifies that we interpret the world from our mental map rather than the reality and that could limit choices. So, as a professional the link is to change the internal map to shift the experience- be it good or not so good!
This form of self-awareness through NLP is not new and radical however, this can surely be a structured way to become more socially acceptable and contributing that helps one to lead the life of excellence and fulfillment. 
Time to give serious thoughts to bring certain practices in NLP back to everyday life?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Social Learning: Leveraging its Power as an L&D Professional

For all of us in Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP) arena, changing preferences, dynamics and priorities in learning are part of the game. We had traditional modes viz. classroom training, coaching, e-learning, blended learning and you name it... Enter the new kid off-the block- Social Learning!
What is Social learning? Before we go in defining, let's appreciate Social Media...which encompasses internet, intranet, social networking (face book, LinkedIn, Blogs, Twitter etc.).Gen-Y appreciate them and are comfortable using them.
Social Learning is about learning culture and engagement process involving social media. Democratization of learning wouldn't have gone any better. It's about power of collaboration and social/peer group. Let's see how it works- You have an issue on anything with your own version of solution...yet you want validation, alternatives or simply seek an opinion. You use any of these media. People collaborate and unleash the power of accumulated wealth of knowledge.
Use of social learning can be seen in organizations, groups, think-tanks and any other conceivable platforms.
We started with how to harness the power of social learning in organizational L&D space?

  • Form a group
  • Ideate on key points of interests
  • Members posts their opinions, seek opinions or simply start a discussion
  • Networking effect sets in
  • Group gets enriched with collective learning
  • Becomes a part of organization knowledge repository
What are the distinctive benefits?
  1. Power of many brains 
  2. Ease and scalability of knowledge sharing
  3. Convenience
  4. Serve as a reference knowledge repository for the organization
  5. Cost effective......among many others
Majority of the progressive organizations are today well placed to draw benefits of social learning. However, the enabler in this case also is the organizational culture and openness to try newer things and decision makers in L&D teams must appreciate the new technology and encourage the use.
Are you cozying up to Social Learning?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Peak Performance Needs Flow!

I just watched the news of Asha Bhonsle turning 77 today and got inspired to write this post. Peak Performance (PP) is what she embodies. We WLP professionals and other professionals worth their salt all aspire for such great feats in our fields. 
Let's talk of PP, it's a flow, a melody,an effortless performance resembling the innumerable songs that the maestro herself sang over so many decades and continues to do so even now. Whenever a performer achieves PP, it's the culmination of dedicated efforts and a self-belief towards a great cause, in her case, songs to touch lives of so many fans spread over geographies cutting across language barrier.
What's mine and yours in WLP arena? 
Surely, it's gonna help people look good, feel good about their performance. My success as a WLP professional rests with my clients' (read colleagues,friends and other stakeholders) success. For this to happen, only hard work is perhaps not sufficient...what's needed is a smart work. A smart work (so often heard but poorly understood!) is dedicated work plus a touch of heart into it. So, whatever we do should be guided by our larger goals that has a heart-felt emotion woven into it. This brings a flow, a melody and rhythm in our acts...things become effortless. Could you visualize Asha singing a melody or Nadia Komanchi performing those jaw-dropping acrobatics? That's PP!
To get initiated, could we bring a touch of heart in our acts and see the 'Flow' taking over. This could be a real dedication to the maestro on her turning 77!
Let's Flow!

Learn to Question!

Ever wondered, why do we find asking the right kind of questions at the right time to the right person so difficult in our lives- personal and professional alike?
That's the reality we face as WLP (for uninitiated, Work Place Learning and Performance) professionals day-in and day-out while training, coaching and facilitating. In sales, asking the right open questions to customers, in managing people, asking questions to people and in parenting, asking the questions to kids all have a common thread running through them... difficulty in asking that perfect question!
Let's analyze the genesis traced back to our cultural patterns... since childhood, we are taught to Answer questions (read, properly) to our parents, teachers, relatives, neighbors and you name it. Seldom we hear ourselves saying to our kids, 'Sonney, you must see that you ask a good question to your teacher today.' Instead, on innumerable times we ask kids how have they answered questions in tests, quizzes and on casual conversations even.
It's time we as a society,family and community start asking ourselves, Is it something that we could teach our kids on so that they don't face the same ineptness. 
We must ask...Ask we must!