Workplace Learning and Performance professionals (WLP) exist for building capabilities of enterprises and individuals. But who builds theirs?
The question might sound too simplistic to give a second thought but as a WLP professional what are your current intervention and how is that built into your long term growth plan? What are the dynamics in your organization when it comes to individual learning? Is the workplace conducive and does it create an environment to promote individual learning? All these questions and many more such should cross your mind every morning you get up from the bed. Our own credibility largely remains with how we learn and apply newer insights back to workplace. Yet, many professionals either have second-rated initiatives or efforts directed to this end or mired in daily functional issues to such an extent that they hardly care a damn about it.
I am sure you wouldn't like to be one!
Are you in command of your own self-development? Is your organization providing enough stimulus and focus to develop you?
If yes, then go ahead and face the world with all courage and confidence. If something is amiss then buckle up and make it the priority. The world will distinguish and reward those WLP professionals who are the leading edge of their own learning and put this into their genetic built.
Customize your learning plan aligned to your goals and stick to that. Make yourself future-ready. Learning and behavior change will help you command a premium over others.
Life-wide learning is here to stay.